Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Staggering Chapter...

                               Psalm 24

1. God owns the earth, the world, and everyone in them.
2. Because He was the architect and Builder of each one.
3. Who will make the hike up Yahweh’s hill?
    Or who will stand before Him?
4. Someone who has washed their hands with clean water (Eph. 5:26), and who’s heart has been made pure through shed blood; one who’s mind, will, and emotions only hear truth (falsehood can enter the ear, but not reach the heart) and they keep their promises.
5. This pure hearted person will receive blessing from the LORD
They will also receive righteousness from the God of their salvation.
6. God-seekers have their own generation
-Those that seek His face.

7. Lift up your heads, O gates!
        And be lifted up O ancient doors,
              (Let the real King come in.
                     The High King of heaven.)
                            The King of Glory.
8. Who is this King of glory?
          The LORD strong and mighty,
                The LORD mighty in battle!
9. Lift up your heads O gates!
         And lift them up, O ancient doors,
                That the King of glory may come in.
10. Who is this King of glory?
           The LORD of hosts,
                 He is the King of glory.

-Paraphrase by N.L.  Vss. 8-10 From the ESV

Do you see the picture painted by David?
We’re part of this huge procession of people who are God seekers. We are in the capital city waiting and watching as the King returns. As He approaches the entrance of the city, we give the command that the gates and the ancient doors be opened, so the King of glory may enter. And when He enters we introduce Him as the LORD of Hosts – The King of Glory!